The ISG has been updated

Simplification of roles, improved licensing and lots of other new features and fixes

Posted by Kevin Whittaker on 23/08/2017

The update published to the live Information Sharing Gateway system on 23/08/2017 at 07:30h included the following features and fixes:

Simplification of roles:

  • In line with recommendations drawn up by a recent Expert Reference Group and ratified by the ISG Governance Group, the list of roles has been simplified in the system to:
    • Senior User
    • Viewer
    • Administrator
    • Information Asset Owner
    • Risk Reviewer
    • IG / Project Officer
  • Existing users have been moved into these roles from their previous ones where appropriate.
  • Improvements to role restriction of features throughout system.

Improvement of licence handling:

  • Super administrators for group franchises now have the ability to manage the assignment of licences to the organisations in their admin group.
  • Central super administrators can assign single organisation licences.
  • Organisation users can see their organisation’s current licence status in the Organisation / Organisation Details tab.
  • Organisations using a "free" limited licence now have the indicated restrictions and notices in place throughout the system (see

Improvements to support ticket handling:

  • Individual super administrators can be assigned to support specific organisations with notifications being directed appropriately.

Discoverability setting for assets, summaries and flows:

  • Pick from three settings to determine who will be able to access the details of your assets, summaries and flows.
  • This will form the foundation of imminent work on APIs and longer term work on a data subject portal.

Improved data sharing system capture:

  • Adds field to data flow detail form to capture the system being used to share data.
  • This will be central to enabling the API interface between the ISG and those sharing systems to establish that an appropriately signed sharing agreement exists before sharing data.
  • This currently includes LPRES and MIG platforms – let us know if you need more adding (and get in touch with to be involved in the API development work).
  • Work will commence shortly to populate this field retrospectively for existing flows.

Report server reports removed:

  • These have been replaced by Excel exports of report data – early indications suggest there may still be timeout issues for some users.

Ability to delete rather than archive un-finalised data flows.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes issues with retaining visibility of reason for consent not being required in data flow detail. The reason for consent exemption is now also included in the PDF export of the dataflow.
  • Fixes problem with previous summary being loaded when clicking "Add Summary" button.
  • Fixes issue with ticket searching facility for Super Administrators.
  • Fixes to MOU Signed status in organisation lists – no longer report as signed when signature is withdrawn.
  • Increased Privacy Notice upload limit to 5MB.
  • Improved message when locked out user requests password reset.
  • Improvements to broken page formatting on login, password reset and contact screens after submitting information.